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because they are becoming a older dragon flies

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Vada Boyer

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2y ago
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12y ago

because they are becoming a older dragon flies

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Q: How many times does a dragonfly shed its skin?
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How many times a year do snakes shed their skin?

They Shed Every month, Aka 12 times a year

How many times does a snail shed?

Snails do not shed their skin. Snails are not related to reptiles or amphibians.

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Five times during the larval stage.

Do ladybird shed their skin?

Yes, as they grow they will molt (shed their skin) a number of times before they pupate. Lar

How long does it take a dragonfly nymph to split its skin and turn into a dragonfly?

A dragonfly nymph can take several weeks to several years depending on the species to reach adulthood. The dragonfly nymph will molt several times as it grows.

How often do lizards shed their skin?

Lizards shed their skin as they grow, so the frequency of shedding can vary depending on the species, age, and overall health of the lizard. Generally, adult lizards shed their skin every few weeks to months, while younger lizards may shed more frequently as they are growing rapidly.

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They do shed their skin (shell) several times each year as they grow larger.

What month of the year do black snakes shed skin?

Snakes shed when they outgrow their skin. How frequently depends upon the age of the snake and how well it has been eating. Younger snakes, well fed, will shed more frequently than older snakes who do not grow as rapidly. The young snakes will shed several times in their first year of life while adults may shed only once or twice in a year.

Do dragon fish shed their skin?

no they dont shed but sharks skin some times fall off in fights or stuff like that if its a sharks

Do rat snakes shed?

They regularly shed their skin its quite irreagular for them to shed skin though..

Do crested geckos?

Cretsed Geckos will shed their skin about two or three times a year. Sometimes, the gecko will eat its skin!

What is yong dragonfly?

A young dragonfly is a nymph which lives in the water and sheds its skin to grow.