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Everyone's tolerance for bee stings is different. Some people are allergic from birth and some aren't. Think of it like this:

Your body has a certain amount of immunity to the stings, some people have none and others have a lot. So to say 10 stings will kill you may not be right for person A with a high tolerance but can certainly hurt person B that's highly allergic.

So if you were to be continually stung and lived forever then you'd eventually become allergic to the stings.

So there's no real number answer for you. It varies too greatly since we're all different.

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12y ago

you can get sting 10 if you are highly allergic but if your not allergic you can get stung about 100 sting or more it depends on your weight is or if you can be really tolerant if you are born allergic sometimes you can grow out of it my dad when he wad little he got stung and he couldnt breth so they took him to the hospital and they said he was allergic and know he is 39 and he is not allergic. i hope this heled :-)

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12y ago

There is no set number, but a bumble bee's sting is smooth and it has no problem withdrawing it and flying away. It can then sting again whenever necessary.

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Carbon Dioxide.

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If they were true honeybees, there were 4 bees. A bee dies after 1 sting.

How many times can a carpenter bee sting?

none I've been bit or stung by one actually.

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all bees hornets are dangerous if you dont know what your doing around them or their nest be careful not to geet stung bees can only sting you once hornets can sting as many times as they like

How many tines can a bee sting you?

once. the sting the bee gives causes the stinger to release into the person and tear from the bee itself. The bee thus soon reportedly dies as a result of the removal of its stinger.