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You should feed them every two days

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Q: How many times a day should you feed a stick insect?
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What do you feed a insect?

that would depend on which insect you are trying to feed

What do you feed a Indian stick insect?

you feed Indian stick insects privet ivy grass ectADD:I don't think stick insects can eat grass as the leaves are too narrow. Indian Stick Insects can eat privet, bramble, ivy, oak, rose and a few other plants.

Where do stick insect sleep?

They do not sleep like humans they will rest during the day usually on the top of the cage. They will feed and walk around at night.

What do stick insects do when they hatch?

When a stick insect hatches it will push a knob out of the egg and crawl out through that, once out they will find a nearest tree to feed on , crawl up that tree and live there for most of there life.

What should I feed my damselfly?

they both drink dew or water droplets, the damselfly eats any insect that is smaller than itself. The dragonfly is the same, although sometimes it will eat an insect slightly bigger than itself

Should you feed your betta fish when you get home?

You should feed your betta 3-4 times a week.

How a flower is likely to be cross-pollinated by a bee?

when an insect visits a flower to feed on the nectar, some pollen grains from the anther stick to the hairy body of the insect. the pollen grains are brushed off onto the stigma when the insect visits another flower. examples of the flower:wild orchid balsam rose buttercup

Do walking sticks eat celery?

Yes. I feed mine many types of organic lettuce. It seems to me that their favorites are red and green leaf lettuce and romaine.

How many times should you feed your goldfish?

5 times a day

How many times a day should you feed a chick?

three times

Are weevils safe for calves to eat?

Not really, no. Calves should be eating plant-type feed, not insects or insect larvae.

Which insect can feed on the cellulose in the wood?
