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Q: How many stages of development take place in incomplete metamorphosis?
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How are complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis alike?

Metamorphosis is a developmental process specially important in Insects.It is of 2 basic types 1; incomplete metamorphosis (Hemimetabolous & Paurometabolous ) and 2; complete metamorphosis ( Holometabolous ) . Incomlete metamorphosis takes place in Grasshoppers and dragon flies. there are 3 stages in it i.e. 1 ; egg , 2 ; nymph or niad (small immature winglees simillar to adult , in same habitat and eating same food.) and 3; adult. Complete metamorphosis takes place in butterflies etc. and involves 4 stages ie. 1 ; egg 2; larva ( it is motile and feeding ) 3 ; pupa ( it is non motile and non feeding ) and 4 ; adult.

What term describes all the changes that take place during the life of an organism?

The term that describes all the changes that take place during the life of an organism is "life cycle." This concept encompasses the various stages, from birth to death, that an organism goes through as it develops and matures.

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All life cycles are basically the same. Fertilisation of an ovum then celular growth and development through to adulthood/sexual maturity, procreation and then decline to death. Metamorphosis can take place at any, none or all stages of development depending upon species. Each of the stages can take shorter or longer time spans but all life follows the same cycle.

How are amphibian metamorphosis and insect metamorphosis different and alike?

Both amphibian metamorphosis and insect metamorphosis are alike because one animal or insect becomes an entirely new animal or insect. They are different in the process, however. The frog actually mutates from a tiny tadpole to an adult frog. The caterpillar wraps itself in a cocoon where the mutation is not visible.

Where does the story metamorphosis take place?

The story "Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka takes place in the Samsa family's apartment in an unnamed European city.

What is the deffinition for metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis is the process that takes place when a caterpillar forms a chrysalis and after some time, emerges into a butterfly.

Why is it important to know the stages of growth and development of children and adults?

Understanding the stages of growth and development allows for appropriate interventions and support systems to be put in place to meet individual needs. It helps in promoting healthy development, identifying potential issues early on, and tailoring education or therapeutic approaches accordingly. Additionally, it enhances communication and relationships between parents, educators, and healthcare providers.

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What is dream as second stage of self?

The "2nd stage of self" in this question probably refers in some way to Erikson's Stages of Psychological Development. This school of psychology does not place as great an emphasis on dreams as in Freudian or Jungian psychology. That is not to say that dreaming has no part in Erikson's theories of the development of the self, but rather that dreaming or "dream" is not specifically associated with the 2nd stage of the development of the self, or with any other stage more than any of the other stages. See the link below for a brief description of Erikson's Stages of Development of the Self.

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