how many species of ants are found in Peruvian rain forest
gogong ibon
between 20 and 30. :)
The Ants has 746 pages.
Zero times the ants molt. Ants do not molt.
yes, ant colonies wage war on other colonies and even take young larve as slaves. that said war is pretty rare and as far as i know humans and ants are the only ones who practice it. humans and ants are also the only ones to practice agriculture, think there might be a conection?
It depends on whether they are curr ants, penn ants or tyr ants.
theres only one specie
It depends on the specie of the bird. Try posting another question including something on the specie of the bird.
Actually there are 17,678,577,670 ants in the world.
The short answer is - no. Ants lay down chemical markers to alert others to what their task is (which track/path to follow). The chemical markers are very complex and vary by specie, but it can be documented that if 'enough' scout ants fail to return, it will trigger the queen to go as far as relocate the colony.