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One,but you must remain patient!

It will take quite awhile!

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Q: How many silk worms does it take to produce just 5 and a half kilos of silk?
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What type of worms can be cut in half?

it would continue to live because worms have 4 hearts. :) But if you cut a worm in half and it doesent keep moving its because that's really just half of a worm that someone already cut in half

How do you convert kilograms into kilos?

Kilos is just an abbreviation for kilograms. So they are exactly the same.

How much is 32 pounds in kilos?

32 pounds = 14.5 kilograms.1 kilo is 2.2 pounds. So 32 pounds is 32 divided by 2.2 kilos or 14.54 (just over 14 and a half) kilos.

What does a worm turn in to?

nothing, worms are just worms.

How much is 120.5 kilos in stones?

18.9755019 stones == Google will do this for you, just put in "120.5 kilos to stones".

What is 5.1 kilos in grams?

5,100 grams, Kilos just means kilograms, and there is 1000 grams in a Kilogram

How do you feed a baby bird worms?

I would cut the worm in half and hold it above its beak it might grab it or just drop it in the birds mouth

Where is Worms located?

Worms is in southern Germany, just south of Frankfurt.

Imagine that you have just discovered half a wiggling worm in the hamburger you are eating?

dodo ------I would assume I just ate the other half, then I would sue the fast food restaurant because I'm allergic to worms in my food and besides that's not what I ordered. Oh! I would be mad.

Loose 20 kilos in 2 weeks?

That's just not possible. With a sustainable diet, anything over 3 kilos would be pushing it.

What do lung worms look like?

they look like tape worms just in your lungs.

I'm just wondering what is the normal weight for an 13 year if she is around 155 cm so what is to skinny and heavy please answer in kilos thanks?

46 kilos very skinny. 60 kilos very fat.