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doesn't have one

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Q: How many lobes does a worms brain have?
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How Many lobes Does a spiny anteater have in its brain?

The spiny anteater have 4 lobes .

How many lobes does the brain of an earthworm have?


Are there more than 4 lobes in the brain?

No there are only 4 lobes of the brain and they are the frontal, the temporal, and the occipital and parietal lobes.

How many lobes in each hemisphere of brain?


How many lobes does a perch brain have?

They have three. The forebrain, midbrain and the hindbrain.

When a stroke affects your vision which part of the brain is involved?

The lobes in the back of the brain called the occipital lobes.

What are the different lobes of the brain and where it is located?

the middle of the brain.

How many parts does the bain have?

There are five lobes of the brain. If you count the brain stem as a part, then it would be six. If not, it would be five.

Which area of the brain is affected by schizophrenia?

The frontal lobes, the temporal lobes, and the vesicles are affected.

What is a part of a brain?

The different sections of a brain are called "lobes" or a "lobe".

What lobes of the brain are for speech and language?


What divides the brain into lobes?

The brain is divided into two hemispheres by the corpus callosum.