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Two legs

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Q: How many legs do cranes have?
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Related questions

What is a very large bird with long legs?

many birds have long necks and long legs, most waders for a start

What animals walk on 2 legs?

We walk on two legs, sometimes bears, flamingos, cranes, heron, and others. which ones can work on 3 legs then?

How many cranes did it take to build the confederation bridge?

24 cranes

Why does cranes have long legs with spread out toes?

Cranes have long legs with spread out toes to help them wade through water and navigate wetland habitats, where they typically forage for food. The long legs provide leverage and height to spot prey, while the spread out toes help distribute their weight and prevent them from sinking into soft mud.

How many different cranes are they?


How many types of cranes are there?

there is 6 types

How many more red crowned cranes are there?

Yes, but they don't fly as fast as other cranes. They tend to be larger and bulkier than other cranes.

How many paper cranes did sadako fold?

Sadako Sasaki folded over 1,000 paper cranes while she was being treated for leukemia, inspired by the Japanese legend that says anyone who folds a thousand paper cranes will be granted a wish.

What are the different types of cranes?

There are several types of cranes used in the construction industry, including tower cranes, mobile cranes, crawler cranes, and overhead cranes. Each type has its own specific characteristics and is used for different purposes based on the needs of the project.

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How many Japanese cranes are left in the world?


How do cranes repouduce?

how do cranes repouduce