Yes ladybugs do breathe, because all living thinks can breathe and if they do not then they must be died. Ladybugs may be small but they are every intelligent and they have very good sense. All living things have lungs and diaphragm's can draw in and out air. They get their air through little tubes that are called trachea and that open onto the world outside the insect's body.
2 wings a lady bug has
A lady bird is the british version of a lady bug, it is an Insect.
It depends on the age
a lady bug is bigger
ladybugs have three stages
There is no difference, a pumpkin bug is referred to a lady bug that is an orange colour. Lady bugs change colour throughout their lives.
You can purchase a lady bug costume at many retail outlet stores. Many of these stores such as Walmart, Target, many local grocery stores, Party City, and Michaels have them.