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Eight. Most Spiders have four pairs of eyes on the top-front area of the cephalothorax, arranged in patterns that vary from one family to another. The pair at the front are of the type called pigment-cup ocelli ("little eyes"), which in most arthropods are only capable of detecting the direction from which light is coming, using the shadow cast by the walls of the cup. However the main eyes at the front of spiders' heads are pigment-cup ocelli that are capable of forming images.

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11y ago

most have 8 but some have 15

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12y ago

that's question is stupide

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Q: How many eyes do tarantulas have?
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They have eight eyes. Two up front, and four surrounding.

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Well there are many tarantulas, there is a chilean rose, Indian ornamental and many more

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many things like the YELLOW SPOTTED LIZARD eats about 5 tarantulas a day

Where did they get the name tarantula from?

The word tarantula is named after a city in Southern Italy called Taranto. Tarantulas have 8 eyes!

How many tarantulas are their in Africa?

1 million

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Where people loves their pets the most?

people in the caribbean love their pets the most because all they are is tarantulas and they eat your eyes out

Are there any tarantulas in Greece?

Yes, there are a great many lizards, and other reptiles including toroises, in Greece.