An ant happens to be produced by the queen ant, and the queen ant flies to mate with a male and lays eggs.
A queen leaf cutter ant can lay up to 150 million eggs in her lifetime.
A queen ant is about 4-10 millimeters , the double of a regular worker ant!
No, the queen ant does not die when baby ants are born. The queen ant's main role is to lay eggs, which hatch into baby ants. She continues to lay eggs for the colony's entire lifespan.
Army ants are 14mm long, while the queen army ant is 3cm long.
The queen's eggs are bigger because the queen is the only ant capable of reproducing, that is why it is protected and pampered by the worker ants.
The queen ant lays 1 egg every 5 seconds. thanks Gaurang
because they don't have queen
An ant nest or a colony have a queen because the queen is the only ant in the whole colony that is able to lay eggs.
up to 600 eggs at one time