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Q: How many does a emperor dragonfly litter?
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Related questions

What is the colors of a emperor dragonfly?

They are blue and green

How do dragonflies see the world?

A dragonfly has large multifaceted eyes, which allows a dragonfly to see the world. There are several types of dragonflies, including the emperor dragonfly.

What is the scientific name for the dragonfly?

There are many species of dragonfly. They are the order Odonata, suborder Epiprocta or Anisoptera. Two common species, of many, are Emperor, Anax Emporator, in the northern hemisphere, and Glistening Demoiselle, Phaon Iridipennis, in the Southern Hemisphere. For more information, please see the Related Link below.

How many pages does The Dragonfly Pool have?

The Dragonfly Pool has 416 pages.

What actors and actresses appeared in Enter the Dragonfly - 2005?

The cast of Enter the Dragonfly - 2005 includes: Kyle Hamon as Bruce Brittany Ishibashi as Teacher Kira Legg as Student Jason Livergood as Janitor Darren Melameth as Emperor

How many wing does dragonfly have?


How many stages does a dragonfly have?


How many nouns does a dragonfly have?

The word 'dragonfly' is a compound word made up of the noun 'dragon' and the noun 'fly', to form dragonfly, a noun with a meaning of its own.

Do emperor dragonflies reproduce asexually or sexually?

Emperor Dragonfly is a large sized specie of family Aeshnidae, It is found in Europe and nearby areas of Africa and Asia. It is known to reproduce sexually. The female lays eggs in plants.

How many eyes does an adult dragonfly has?


How many eggs do a dragonfly lay?


How many body sections does a dragonfly have?