3. A head, Thorax, and a abdomen.
no it has three main body parts
Grasshopper have 3 body division, they are head, thorax, and abdomen.
there are 22
The body of a grasshopper has three main parts, the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. Some have short antennae and some have long. They have six legs and chewing mouth parts.
The grasshopper has an open circulatory system which consists of 7 tubular hearts, which are actually valved chambers. These chambers circulate haemolymph, which is the body fluid in a grasshopper's body cavities and appendages.
The grasshopper has an exoskeleton to support it's body. The exoskeleton, which is comprised of chitin, also helps protect the grasshopper.
The mouth parts and jaws of a grasshopper must be strong. This is to allow the grasshopper to chew its food and break down plants that make up their diet.
Eastern Lubber Grasshopper.
Like all arthropods, the grasshopper is protected by a chitinous exoskeleton.
The human body has many parts.