Lots of Ants would an Anteater eat if Anteater would eat Ants Or An Anteater would eat as many Ants as an Anteater would eat if an Anteater would eat Ants
ants are strong but you need about 1000 ants to do that 200 pounds is heavy for a tiny ant
Put 10 ants in a row. Now put ten such rows next to each other so that you have a square of ten by ten ants, giving you 100 ants. Now put 20 such squares of ants on top of each other, 20 ants high. This gives you a block of 10X10X20 ants. That would be 2000 ants. The same would be true of dice, or bricks, or basketballs.
between 20 and 30. :)
one square mile. If you meant, How many ants it would take to cover a square mile?; I'd need to know the size of the ants. They come in different sizes.
The Ants has 746 pages.
Zero times the ants molt. Ants do not molt.
Some types of ant are attracted to sugar and some to meat. Meat ants would be attracted to the cheese and sugar ants to the sugar.
It depends on whether they are curr ants, penn ants or tyr ants.