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crayfish have six antennae

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2 antennae

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Q: How many antennae do crayfish have?
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Does a crayfish have antennae?

i dont know im askin yall

What is the difference between a crayfish antennule and antennae?

Crayfish have two pairs of antennae, with the first pair being the antennules and the second pair being the antennae. Antennules are smaller and shorter, while antennae are longer and used for sensory perception. Antennules help crayfish navigate and detect food, while antennae are involved in touch and taste sensations.

What 2 appendages are responsible for taste and touch in a crayfish?

The antennules and antennae

How does a blind crayfish find water?

They use the antennae to "smell" their way home.

What are some animals that live in freshwater and have antennae?

Some animals that live in freshwater and have antennae include freshwater shrimp, freshwater crayfish, and water beetles. These antennae help them sense their surroundings, locate food, and communicate with other members of their species.

How many ears do crayfish have on their body?

A crayfish can have as many eggs as it wants it just has to be healthy but I think it can lay 50-200.

How are the antennae chelipeds other walking legs and swimmers related to crayfish?

they are all part of the cephlathorax

How are the antennae other walking legs and swimmerets related?

They are related because they all perform some part in the crayfish. Without those parts the crayfish will not survive.They are not related at all!!

Do crayfish regrow eyes?

Crayfish have the ability to regenerate practically any appendage that gets broken off. They can regrow legs, claws,antennae, even eyes if they happen to get snipped off in a fight.

What are the 2 sense organs of a crayfish?

Crayfish can sense changes in water pressure. They can also see to a limited extent. Additionally, they have two sets (pairs) of antennae that are sense organs. A link can be found below.

How many antennae does a lightning bug have?

it has two antennae