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Q: How long will the bees nesting in my wall cavity stay there?
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How long do bees stay in tree?

Bees typically don't live in trees permanently. They may swarm on a tree branch temporarily while looking for a new home, which can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Once they find a suitable location, such as a beehive or a cavity in a tree, they will move to that location to establish their colony.

How long does it take bees to make a hive and how long do they stay?

it takes almost 5 years.......Really?

What bees live in?

Bees stay in bee hives.

How do i stay away from bees?

Well bees do not like anti-insect spray so use that and then they will stay away from you.

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When do bees die?

when bees sting you they die. but wasps when they sting you they stay alive.

What can't bees do?

sting you and then stay alive

Which animals stay in a hive?

Bees and Wasps.

If bees stay home it means rain will come if the bees are out flying the day will be fine?


How long do baby honey bees stay with their moms?

One could answer 'for the whole of their lives' because the queen's lifespan is many times longer than that of a worker bee. However, one could also give the answer 'they don't stay with them' because the queen is not involved in any way with the care of the larvae or other bees. That is all done by the worker bees -- their sisters.

When bees stay close to the hive rain is near by?

Bees stay close to the hive when rain is nearby because they can detect changes in air pressure. If is going to rain and the air pressure drops, the bees will remain in their hives.

Why might a nesting bird move from its habitat?

so it could stay safe because if you stay in a place that have a lot of animals you can get eaten