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The Tomato Hornwarm's pupal stage is long and variable. We tried to keep some until they were moths, they made their cocoons under the dirt we put in the cage. Two years later they still hadn't come out so we thought they were dead. When we dumped out the cage in the woods we found them all (there were 3) in fully formed cocoons.

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Q: How long is a tomato caterpillar in it's cacoon?
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Can I help a caterpillar get out of its cacoon?

Do not help the caterpillar, the caterpillar will realize the cacoon is open so the caterpillar will go out of the cacoon and form another if it can so leave your caterpillar alone.

Can monarch caterpillar's who are in a cacoon live if the cacoon has fallen from the leave?

I'm not sure I'm asking you

How does caterpillar make a cocoon?

yes a catipiller makes it a cacoon out of its saliva

What happens if the caterpillar didn't turn into a butterfly?

It will eather die in its cacoon or stay a catterpiller

What season does the caterpillar builds its cacoon?

i believe its fall/winter and comes out in spring/summer.

What do tomato caterpillars eat?

Only a certain type of caterpillar called a horned tomato caterpillar.

Exemplar Lesson Life Cycle of a Butterfly?

Egg, Larvae/Caterpillar, Chrysalis/Cacoon, Butterfly/Moth.

How many catippilars come in a cacoon?

usually one.... each caterpillar makes its own cocoon or chrysalis.

How long does an original butterflies stay in its cacoon?

The Caterpillar eats until it is fully ready to break out of the cocoon, This may take a few weeks to a year or so. Hope This Helps

What kind of caterpillar is found on tomato plants?

tomato horn worms.

Do catipillars get spikes on their backs when they cacoon?

Spikes on caterpillars are not a sign of cocooning.Rather, they occur only on some caterpillar species.

How long does it take a caterpillar to spin its coaoon?

i caught a caterpiller yesterday for my daeughter and woke up today and its already mede his cacoon and he started sometime after 11 pm and my daughter noticed him in it this morning around 12noon