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Q: How long does it take for a caterpilar to turn into a moth?
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What animal lives in a cocoon for part of its life?

Butterflies are the animals that live in a cocoon for part of their life cycle. They undergo metamorphosis inside the cocoon, transforming from a caterpillar into a butterfly.

How long does a grey dagger moth take to turn into a moth?

no time because it is already a moth. If you mean the larvea, then roughly 4 to 6 weeks.

What kind of butterfly will a black furry caterpillar turn into?

The puss moth caterpillar has a furry light brown color and will turn into a puss moth. They are one of the most toxic caterpillars. Another furry caterpillar is the wooly bear but it is brown and black and it turns into a wooly bear tiger moth.

Is a kalabiekues caterpillar going to be a moth or butterfly?

Yes it will turn into a moth!

What does a smooth brown caterpillar turn into?

grey moth

Does a fly turn into anything?

No but they do start out as larva and the go through a process where they wrap them selves in a coocon much like a caterpilar and come out as a fly.

What kind of butterfly does a wooly bear caterpillar turn into?

It does not turn into a butterfly at all. It turns into the Isabella Tiger Moth.

What will wax worms turn into?

Wax worms will turn into moths. They go through a life cycle that includes egg, larva (the wax worm stage), pupa, and adult moth.

What does a caterpillar turn into?

Caterpillars turn into either a butterfly or a moth.

What do caterpillars turn into?

Caterpillars turn into cocoons or pupas then after that stage, they turn into either a butterfly or moth

What dose a white fuzzy caterpillar turn into?

a tussock moth

What does a white fuzzy caterpillar turn into?

will turn into a moth called Apatelodes torrefacta or Spotted Apatelodes.