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i caught a caterpiller yesterday for my daeughter and woke up today and its already mede his cacoon and he started sometime after 11 pm and my daughter noticed him in it this morning around 12noon

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Q: How long does it take a caterpillar to spin its coaoon?
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How many days does it take the silkworm to spin it's cocoon?

A silkworm is a type of caterpillar. It takes a silkworm about three days to spin its cocoon around themselves. They use one long thread to spin the cocoon and if it is disturbed, the silkworm must start over.

How long does it take to say Caterpillar?

1 sec. at least.

How long until a caterpillar enters the cocoon?

This is really dependant on the type of caterpillar you have. :) It can take a few weeks, but before winter arrives, butterflies have the ability to make the process last for mos. at a time.

How long does it take Neptune to spin around sun?

362 days to spin losers

How long does it take for a larvae to reach an adult caterpillar?

it depends. first if all the catipillar is the larva. but from when it hatches it's between 2 hours to one month to spin it's cacoon and abot 3 days to 3 months to become a butterfly.

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About a month

How long does it take for the sun to spin once?

27 days

What happens if you take a caterpillar out of it's cocoon to early?

it will most likely not survive, to play it safe dont do it!

How long does it take Neptune to make one spin?

About 16 - 19 hours to make one complete spin.

How long does it take for the sun to spin on its axes once?

One day equals one spin on earth's axis.

How long does it take for a caterpillar get out of its cocoon?

it takes about 7 to 14 days, depending on the air temperature