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Well I am on day 8 and it still hurts like crazy.

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Q: How long does a bull ant bite hurt for?
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Why does a green ant bite hurt?

Green ants hurt yes they do

Do queen ant bites hurt more than a fire ant bite?


Why do fire ants bite sting hurt?

The pain is due to the formic acid in the ant's bite.

Does ant bites hurt?

only a red ants bite hurts

How long do a black ant bite stay on you?

you dont get bitten by a black ant

What are the predators of the bull ant?

Predators of bull ants include birds, mammals such as anteaters and echidnas, and other insects like spiders and parasitic wasps. These predators hunt bull ants for food, but bull ants are also known for their aggressive defense mechanisms, such as their painful sting, which can deter predators.

How do ant make their bite doubly painful?

An ant does not have the ability to make a bite twice as painful. The ant may actually bite twice which makes the bite feel more painful.

What kind of an ant is extraordinary?

bull ant

What is the chemical name of ant bite?

The chemical responsible for the pain and irritation from ant bites is formic acid. It is released by ants as a defense mechanism when they bite or sting.

How long do fire ant bites heal?

How long it takes to heal a fire ant bite depends on the person and where the ant bit them. A drug store can sell someone medicine to help heal the bites faster.

Who would win in a fight between a bull ant and a praying mantis?

Obvioussally a bull ant uhhh

Will an ant bite you if you hold your breathe?

As long as you don't allow any air in or out they won't bite you. Ive tried several times sticking my hand into a fire ant pile. They simply crawl on you not biting. Make sure you get them off before breathing through.