Baby Dragonflies stay with there mother and try to stay away from adut dragonflies because sometimes adut drangonflies eat baby dragonflies if they can catch them.their parents teach them to change their color to anything Evan air
Three years.
Its a place where dragonflys normally stay, like in weeds and if there babys then in streams. Its a place where dragonflys normally stay, like in weeds and if there babys then in streams.
The tail of a dragonfly (called the abdomen) contains many of a dragonflies organs, including its reproductive organs and much of its digestive system. It also acts as a cooling system. The insect pumps blood through the abdomen. The long, narrow shape ensure that the blood stays close to the surface, allsoing they air to carry away excess heat.
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A baby can only stay on screen for 3 hours.
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You might be flying by,but slow it down,stay here,its the Dragonfly
the babies will stay for only a week.
Three days, then they become a toddler.
Baby chimps stay very close to mother for about 2.5 years.