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The life cycle of a housefly is similar to that of a dragonfly as they both spend most of their lifecycle time in their pupal stage.

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Q: How is the life cycle of a Housefly similar to the Darner dragonfly?
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What is the different between the life cycle of a platypus with a housefly?

A platypus has a three staged life cycle but the housefly has a four staged life cycle. By:Rebecca ng age:5

How many stages are there in a life cycle of housefly?

There are four stages in the life cycle of a housefly: egg, larva (or maggot), pupa, and adult. Each stage serves a different purpose in the development and reproduction of the housefly.

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Can you improve the life cycle of a dragonfly?

No, it has taken millions of years to develop this life cycle and it is harmonised (tuned) with the environment in which the dragonfly lives.

Does a dragonfly have a life cycle?

From the larva eggs to a nymph, then to an adult, they then restart the life cycle by laying eggs.

How long is the life cycle of common housefly from egg to adult?

Only a few months.

What is the life cycle of housefly?

a basic cycle that begins with an egg, then develops through a larva phase, a pupa phase, and finally, into an adult.

How many life cycles does the dragonfly have?

A dragonfly has several stages, but only one Life cycle.

What animal have a two stage life cycle?

frog and dragonfly metamorphism~

How many stages are there in life of housefly?

The life cycle of a housefly typically includes four stages: egg, larva (or maggot), pupa, and adult. The entire life cycle from egg to adult can take as little as seven to ten days under optimal conditions.