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Q: How is a hive of bees like a human community?
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Related questions

What are the habits of a honey bees?

They like to listen to noises and go out of their hive

Why do bees like your pool?

Like all animals, bees need to drink. They will also take water back to the hive for the other bees.

Why do bees leave their hives?

Bees leave their hives for several reasons, such as foraging for food, scouting for new potential hive locations, or to collect water. Worker bees also leave the hive to perform tasks like collecting nectar, pollen, or propolis. On rare occasions, bees may also swarm and leave the hive to establish a new colony.

What job bumblebee do in hive?

The bumble bees are pretty much worker bees. They do many different jobs like; two bees guard the entrance and they polinate.

What Insects live in a hive?

In a beehive, you will find honey bees, worker bees, drones, and the queen bee. Other insects, like beetles or wasps, may also try to invade and disrupt the hive.

Small tree outside the backdoor in your garden and have noticed a lot of bees round and flying in and out do you think that there is a hive in it you have a phobea about bees so if there is a hive in?

Yea it sounds like you have a bee hive... You can contact a local pest/bug control place and some will take care of it for you

How many bees are in one hive?

A typical honey bee hive can house anywhere from 10,000 to 60,000 bees, depending on the time of year and the strength of the colony. This population includes worker bees, drones, and the queen bee.

What part of the bible do bees like?

Bees only like one thing. The hive and making sure the Queen is taken care of. They do not think nor do they read.

What does a bee hive look like?

A bee hive looks like a big nasty oddly shaped ball of brown and gray paper mache with several entrance/exit holes for the bees. Also another factor to the bee hive appearance is that it is in a tree and there are tons of BEES flying around it.

Are worker bees boys?

No, worker bees are female. Male bees are called drones and do not typically perform tasks like foraging, nursing young, or building the hive.

Why do bees have 1 queen per hive?

Well, the queen is the ruler and the bees need to have someone to rule. Just like we have the president. Hope this helps! :)

What is the emoticon that looks like a bees nest on gmail?

The emoticon found in Gmail that looks like a bees nest, is a bee hive with bees buzzing around it. It can be used to show that you have been very busy lately.