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Q: How insecticides on the plant get into the insect?
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What is another alternative of protecting plants from an insect attack other than insecticides?

Use the insect's predator against them. Such as predatory wasps against plant destroying caterpillars.

What lawn care supplies can get rid of bugs that eat grass?

Pesticides and insecticides can eliminate pesky insects that eat grass. There are two types of insecticides: topical and systemic. Topical insecticides are sprayed or sprinkled on the grass and kill insects on contact. Systemic insecticides are chemicals that are ingested by an insect from the roots of the plant. They only kill the insect after it has eaten it.

Could you use biotechnology to protect a plant from insect damage?

insert genes that produce anti-insect chemicals into the plant !

Does sweet corn have insect problems?

If they do they'd be dealt with in the field by use of insecticides.

When can insecticide be applied to a plant?

A determination of safety for people, pets, plants and wildlife, a match between type of host plant and of insect pest identified on the insecticide's label, and a need to control damage, death or decline by botanical or chemical means are the times that insecticides can be applied to plants. Insecticides have to be applied when contact is target-specific and drift is controlled. They need to be the control option that ends insect-inflicted damage, death, decay, or decline of a plant without jeopardizing other life forms with the application and impact areas.

What does organophosphorus pesticide mean?

It's a class of insecticides that act on insect's nervous system.

What are advantage and disadvantage of insecticides?

Insecticides advantages are they help control insect's disadvantages are that they kill helpful insects, contain toxic substances that remain in the bodies of animals that eat them and get in human food

What is it called when an insect depends on a plant when at the same time the plant is depending on the insect?

Symbiosis. Pollination is a good example of this - food for the insect, reproduction for the plant.

How could you use biotechnology to protect from insect damage?

insert genes that produce anti-insect chemicals into the plant !

Is a picther plant an insect eating plant?

Yes it is an insect eating plant answered by 4th grader

Why are systemic insecticides better than common insecticides?

They are not always better. it is dependant upon insect, application site & circumstances. That only describes mode of action. What is important is results & what is actually best for the situation considerring all factors. Answer A systemic insecticide works from within the sap of the plant so lasts longer than a contact insecticide that only kills the insects on the plant at the time. A systemic insecticide does not affect the predators of the sap suckers.

What do you use insecticides for?

Insecticides in gardening or agriculture are used to reduce the population of an insect which is causing harm to the crop to an acceptable level. They can range from something as simple as an insecticidal soap (such as dish soap) to very complex and very poisonous commercial insecticides which kill all the insects in its application range.