Listeria is a common bacteria found in hot dogs. You can ensure that Listeria bacteria is killed by achieving a high temperature of the hot dog when cooking it.
No, hot spices will not prevent absorption of bacteria from food, nor will it prevent bacteria from growing on the food.
No, hot sauce does not kill bacteria. There are hundreds of different bacteria. Some can be killed by heating them to a high enough temperature, others can be killed with antibacterial washes and other chemicals. Hot sauce is not one of the ways. Since hot sauce usually contains a lot of vinegar, it is difficult for bacterial to grow in it, but it won't kill bacteria that is already growing.
Everything harbors bacteria and germs. Though, if it were hot enough in the sauna, you could boil the bacteria alive and rid it of germs, but only what is boiling hot.
keep the food hot
yes,hot water kills bacteria
aquificae is a type of bacteria which exists in groups in hot places such as hot water springs and sulfur pools
Drink hot water, and it will come off.
yes it does