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Fleas seem to have an incredible jumping abilitly for two reasons. Firstly, it's because they're so small, which in turn means they are less effected by gravity. If you scaled one up to the size of a human, their jumping would be much less impressive. Seccondly, and probably more obvious, is that the flea has better legs for jumping than most creatures. Their hind leg contains 'resilin' (an elastic protien) which stores energy when it bends its legs, so when it jumps, the stored energy in the 'elastic' is released, and catapults the flea upwards.

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6y ago
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hey Im find The ONLY Proven 3-Step Jump Training Program That Adds AT LEAST 9 – 15+ Inches To Your Vertical Jump… In Less Than 8 Weeks. for buy hit the link

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16y ago

Fleas don't jump very high. They jump far more than high. They can jump 200 times their body length far. They can jump 100 times their body length high.

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Can fleas jump out of water?

Yes, fleas can jump out of water because they have the ability to propel themselves using their powerful hind legs.

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Fleas jump from host to host, so a flea can jump from one cat to another if bitten, but the bite itself will not cause the fleas.

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No. They will latch onto a person, fill up on the person 's blood, and detatch when finished.

Which animal can jump over 200 times its own length?

A flea can jump over 200 times its own body length. Fleas may be able to jump as high as 100 times their body length.

How fast do ticks grow?

Ticks don't jump. They grab on to passing fur with their forelegs.

Do fleas always jump?

No, fleas may also crawl when they don't have a great distance to travel.

A flea is able to jump straight up about 0.37 m It has been said that if a flea were as big as a human it would be able to jump over a 100 story building When an animal jumps it converts work done?

Fleas really can jump very high distances considering how small they are. Fleas can be very bothersome to dogs and cats.

Why do fleas need to jump?

They don't need to jump, it's just how they move around.

Which insect jumps fast?

Fleas jump fast

Can bed bugs jump?

Yes. But so can fleas, so you might want to treat for fleas too.

How do fleas spread to different cats?

when the cats are near each other the fleas jump to the other cat =]

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Gnats and fleas are both tiny insects that can jump. Fleas are the probable insect in this description that eat concrete.