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It has no mass and doesn't take up space. It is fictitious.

The "Pacific tree octopus" (pseudo-classification Octopus paxarboria) was a 1998 internet hoax that was intended as a parody of actual ecological awareness groups. Occasionally young or gullible individuals will mistake the site as one promoting the preservation of an actual animal. A small following has provided fake photos, testimonials, and other material.

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Q: How heavy can a pacific Northwest Tree octopus get?
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Related questions

Is the pacific northwest tree octopus real Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus?

it is not

Are the northwest tree octopuses real?

The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus was an internet hoax created in 1998 by Lyle Zapato.

How gullible is the Northwest tree octopus?

The Northeast Gutter Snipe ranks highest in gullibility and The Northwest Tree Octopus is second.

Do monkeys eat the tree octopus?

There are no monkeys native to the US Pacific Northwest. The tree octopus is said to live exclusively in the forests of western Washington state. The main threat to the tree octopus was from another primate, the Sasquatch, which were said to feed on it. Of course, Sasquatch may not exist, and the tree octopus certainly does not. The Pacific Tree Octopus is a fictional creature created by hoaxsters in 1998 as a parody of ecological websites. Some individuals do still occasionally think the website is a real one.

What does the northwest tree octopus eat?

It eats gullible internet perusers...

When was the last sighting of the rare tree octopus?

The tree octopus does not exist. There are no octopi that are amphibians.The "Pacific tree octopus" (pseudo-classification Octopus paxarboria) was a 1998 internet hoax that was intended as a parody of actual ecological awareness groups.

What does the pacific tree octopus eat?

It eats gullible internet perusers...

Is the pacific northwest tree Octopus is real?

The "Pacific tree octopus" was a 1998 internet hoax that was intended as a parody of actual ecological awareness groups. Occasionally individuals will mistake the site as one promoting the preservation of an actual animal. A small following has provided fake photos, testimonials, and other material. An octopus, as is immediately obvious to anyone who sees one, is a relatively fragile marine animal that (like most sea creatures) could not survive long on dry land.

What is the Latin name for the tree octopus?

The tree octopus (pseudo-classification Octopus paxarboria) does not exist. There are no octopi that are amphibians.The "Pacific tree octopus" was a 1998 internet hoax that was intended as a parody of actual ecological awareness groups. Occasionally individuals will mistake the site as one promoting the preservation of an actual animal.

How long does a tree octopus live?

Its habitat was defined as the forests of the Olympic range in western Washington, in the Puget Sound region. However, The "Pacific Northwest tree octopus" lives exclusively in the land of imagination. The tree octopus website was a 1998 internet hoax that was intended as a parody of actual ecological awareness groups. Occasionally individuals will mistake the site as one promoting the preservation of an actual animal. A small following has provided fake photos, testimonials, and other material.

Why is the blue ringed octopus endangered?

The whole species of octopus is not entirely endangered, but there are some subspecies that are endangered, threatened, or close to being endangered: The Giant Octopus, a giant but gentle octopus, is listed as "Endangered" on the ICUN Redlist.

Can you hold a tree octopus?

The tree octopus is a fictional creature.The "Pacific tree octopus" (pseudo-classification Octopus paxarboria) was a 1998 internet hoax that was intended as a parody of actual ecological awareness groups. Occasionally individuals will mistake the site as one promoting the preservation of an actual animal. A small following has provided fake photos, testimonials, and other material.