It depends on their build. If they are stockier and have smaller wings, they are meant for long walking distances and wouldn't fly much faster than twenty miles per hour. But if they are slender and have large wings, they could probably go up to a hundred miles per hour if they wanted to!
The dragon fly is a carnivore.
Dragon Fly - album - was created in 1974-07.
You need the butter dragon and the fly dragon
a dragon that can glide from branch to branch
live under water and are exelent predetors
No its not a bug its a type of fly.
because of their wings
it is the blue dragon which asterid has
Dragon fly belongs to KINGDOM:Animalia PHYLUM:Arthropoda CLASS:Insecta ORDER:Odonta SUBORDER:Epiprocta
From Wikipediaa dragon fly dies when it is born and it usually has sex before it dies24 hours
If palkia is a dragon type then dragons can fly so he can fly!