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Jellyfish do not live that far under the water's surface. These jellyfish typically only live a few feet under the water.

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Q: How far under water do jellyfish live?
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How dangerous can a jellyfish's sting be?

A jellyfish's sting can be from just painful to fatal. Most jellyfish who will give you fatal stings live far enough under the ocean that you won't have to worry about dying by being stung by one on a regular visit to the beach.

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As far as we know.

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No, some plants float on the top of water. Like Lilypads.Some live exclusively in water and far under the surface of many oceans, such as seaweed.

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Only in Spongebob there is such thing as Jellyfish Fields, as far as I know of.

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um, no. a jellyfish is far from a bird. it is an animal that lives in the oceanic waters you can read about them and look at pictures here...

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As far as I can Remember it is in Nature Pants when he moves into jellyfish fields with the jellyfish.

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by simming