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Woodlouse prefer more basic pH because they excrete ammonia which is alkali. They are attracted to places with more ammonia because those places indicate to them there are a lot of other woodlouse excrement there. Hence those places would have more woodlouses, and they can all clump together to retain moisture

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Q: How does the pH of soil effect woodlouse slater?
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What is an example of acid rain changing the pH soil killing some trees?

Acid rain has a low pH indicating that it is acidic. The pH in the soil can have a detrimental effect on some trees.

Why might a farmer want to change the pH of the soil?

soil pH has a great effect on the availability of nutrients. for example iron is a thousand times move availeble to plants for each pH level lower so if you compare iron availability in soil that is pH 8 to one that is pH 6 iron will be 1,000,000 times more available in the acidic soil (pH6). however some plant do not like acidic soils mostly because other stuff is also affected by the pH like aluminum which is toxic to most plants beyond a certain level. of course pH has an effect on the soil flora and founa as well as other nutrients and soil diseases. so in varies situations farmers may wish to alter soil pH to one way or the other depending on the crop, weather, normal pH and many other factors.

Why do soil have different pH?

Soil pH is largely a factor of the ratio of the soil's organic matter content to its mineral component. Soils high in organic matter have a lower pH. The kind of minerals can also have an effect on pH.

How does soil pH affect soil fertility?

soil fertility increases soil PH

Whats the effect of fertilizer on soil pH?

Fertilizers containing ammonium-based nitrogen can lower soil pH by increasing soil acidity. On the other hand, fertilizers containing lime or calcium carbonate can raise soil pH by decreasing soil acidity. Regular application of fertilizers can affect soil pH over time, leading to potential nutrient availability and plant growth issues.

What are the effects of adding lime to fertilizer?

Altering the soil pH is the effect of adding lime to fertilizer.Specifically, lime acts to acidify the soil that is being fertilized. A more acidic soil comes up with a more acidic pH in soil analysis. Acidic pHs fall below the middle, neutral range on a 1-14 pH scale.

What interesting effect do different pH levels have on hydrangea blossom?

Different pH levels can affect the color of hydrangea blossoms. Acidic soil (pH below 6) tends to produce blue flowers, while alkaline soil (pH above 6) leads to pink or even red blossoms. Adjusting the soil pH can alter the bloom color of hydrangeas.

What effect does sulphur have on soil pH?

Sulfur can lower soil pH when it is oxidized to form sulfuric acid through the process of sulfur oxidation. This can create a more acidic environment in the soil, which can be beneficial for certain plants that prefer acidic soil conditions.

How do farmers test soil to check the pH?

Farmers use a soil pH meter or a soil pH testing kit to determine the pH level of their soil. They take soil samples from different parts of the field, mix them together, and then test the pH of the mixture. This helps them get a more accurate representation of the overall pH level of their soil.

What is the pH of loamy soil?

In order to find the pH you will need to test the soil. Different factors will effect the pH and different plants grow better at a different pH. I heard its ph level is "6" the ideal fertilizer for gardening. Its neutral. The ph levels go from 0-11 :)

Why would a gardener wish to use a digital pH meter?

A gardener may wish to use a digital pH meter so that he or she can check the pH level of the soil. If the pH level of the soil is too high or too low it can effect the nutrients a plant is able to use. A good pH level for most plants is between 5.5 and 7.0.

Lime will raise the soil pH while sulfur will lower the soil pH. True or False?

True. Lime is commonly used to raise soil pH by reducing soil acidity, while sulfur is used to lower soil pH by increasing soil acidity.