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The africanized honey bee raises its young just like any other bee raises its young. The main differences between the africanized honey bee and the other honey bees are 1. The africanized bees attack as swarms, not as an individual bee. If you get a bee angry, the entire hive might sting you. A single allergy pill can usually make one bee sting go down. Stings by an entire hive of bees make require treatment in an intensive care unit of a hospital if you make it there alive. 2. Hives tend to split up frequently. Africanized bees can not be raised profitably because it is difficult go get enough of them in one hive to produce a large amount of honey. And 3. They like their hives underground. It is difficult to find them.

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12y ago

First, they make posters and publicity for a big africanized honeybee party, usually not on weekdays though. Then they prepare the playground with ornaments of various colours, representing their most favourite flowers. After, they put their equivalent of ecstasy in the honey that is meant to be consumed at the event. Finally, they welcome their friends at the party and let the pheromones (and what is commonly called gangsta bizz - various noises to which the bees are trivially accustomed) do their job.

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There is no obvious physical difference between Africanized honey bees and European honey bees. The only way of distinguishing is by DNA analysis.

What happens in honey bee colonies?

The bees raise their young and make honey.

How many people die by africanized honey bees every year?

Africanized honey bee ( also known as killer bee ), kills 40 people every year.

How does an africanized honey bee obtain oxygen?

by drinking water

Are the Africanized bee honey tastes more delicious?

No. All honey tastes the same.

Is the Africanized honey bee damaging the environment it now lives in?

An Africanized honey bee is just a bee with attitude. Apart from that there are no significant physical differences between Africanized bees and Western honey bees -- in fact the only way to be sure which type of bee you have is DNA analysis. For this reason, Africanized bees are no more damaging to the environment than any other bees. In fact, all bees are essential to maintain the environment as we know it.

How do AHB take over EHB hives?

It was hoped the much greater numbers of the European honey bee would swamp out the Africanized honey bee as they naturally cross-bred. The problem has turned out to be that the Africanized honey bee queen has a very slightly shorter pupation period than the European honey bee queen, so she tends to emerge first. A newly-emerged queen will try to kill all the other developing queens before they emerge. This slight imbalance means the Africanized bee has a slight advantage and this is why hives can become Africanized as the queens are replaced.

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Will soapy water kill africanized honey bees?

No, soapy water is not an effective method to kill Africanized honey bees. It is best to contact a professional exterminator to handle the removal of Africanized honey bee infestations, as they are known to be more aggressive than other bee species.