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The man o' war jellyfish has a powerful sting.

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Q: How does man of war jellyfish survive in the wild?
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Related questions

Can a Portuguese man-of-war kill a jellyfish?

great question, yes a portuguese man-of-war can kill a jellyfish.

Why is the Portuguese man of war not a jellyfish?

The portuguese man of war is not a jellyfish because its sting cannot be cured by pouring vinegar.

Is a man of war a fish?

Its a Jellyfish

What eats a man-of-war jellyfish?

I'm not sure but I can tell you th letherback seaturtles eat jellyfish so maybe they eat man-of-war jellyfish. hope this was helpful.

What is the meaning of man of war jellyfish?

The portuguese man of war is not actually a jellyfish, but a floating colony of hydrozoans. There are four different types within a man of war, each having a specific job to do; breeding, feeding, capture of prey and movement. No 1 type could survive away from the colony. The jelly float is used to move the colony, using wind and currents. They possess nematocysts (stinging cells) which still react after the colony has died, and can produce serious reactions in humans.Yes a man of war is a breed of jellyfish

Does the man-of-war jellyfish live forever?


What is man of war?

A type of venomous jellyfish.

What is the difference between the box jellyfish and the man-o war?

First of all, the man-of-war is not a true jellyfish. Its body is filled with air. To be a jellyfish the "bag" of their body has to be filled with water. Also a box jellyfish is more dangerous. The box jellyfish is the most dangerous jellyfish in the world.

Can a jellyfish sting kill a shark?

Most likely, yes. A man of war jellyfish has such deadly tenticles full of strong poison that could kill a shark easily.Another AnswerPossibly, but the man of war jellyfish is more likely to badly injure the shark than kill it. It all depends on the size of the tentacles of the man of war jellyfish and the type of the shark. But it is very likely for the man of war jellyfish to kill a hammer head shark or other smaller species of sharks.

Do Portuguese man of war have backbones?

A Portuguese man of war is similar to a jellyfish, so it has no backbone.

What is Portuguese man of war?

The man of war is not a jellyfish it is 4 different polyps living together

Can a great white kill a jellyfish?

A large box jellyfish or a man of war jellyfish could if it had very long tentacles.