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they can sense their clan/home with their antennas

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Q: How does an ant know which way to walk home?
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What is a good way to get to know a guy that you walk home from school with every day if you have never talked and normally he walks slightly ahead of you?

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When finding the perimeter of a figure on grid why do you not count the spaces inside the grid?

Because of the definition of what "perimeter" means. It's the distance around the figure ... the distance an ant has to walk to get back to where he started, if he stays on the line. The ant doesn't know or care how many spaces are inside the figure or what size they are. He's simply staying on the line all the way, watching his pedometer and keeping track of how far he has to walk to arrive at "GO" .

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The way it smells.

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Yes, it is perfectly okay to carry vegetables home from the store.

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once you leave school/work you can walk home in a similar direction, this means you arnt following her your just going the same way, it can allso give you a chance to talk on the way home, so she slowly gets to know you. an easy way to start converstion is to have food e.g. chips or crisp this means you can share food and then talk. but dont go out of your way to walk with her. if you go to the extreme to walk with her that will just make your reputation worse

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Bruce Springsteen song title with home in it?

1. My HOMEtown 2. long walk HOME 3. all the way HOME

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a way of walking. you know, walk, saunter, swagger???

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An ironic way to die.

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He wanted to go home the short way

What insects start with the letter a?

Assin Bug (Huge mosquito!)- there's way more, I know it!* Aphids * Ants· Ant· AphidAphids, arachnidsAntThere are probably a few but all i can think of it an ANTAnt?Ant or aphid are insects.

How do you tell he's gay by the way he walks?

You really cant... because people walk the way they walk... i know a couple of gay guys and they dont walk any diffrently then the straight guys. Sometimes people walk sisy like... girly like...and such.