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Q: How does a worm make itself long and slender?
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What does wolf worm look like on a horse?

A wolf worm is another name for a warble. The appearance of a warble on a horse is a hole for the larvae to breathe out of, the warble itself looks like a long, slender worm.

How can you tell a earth worm different from a round worm?

An earth worm is plump and long. A round worm is long and slender almost like a hair.

If an unknown organism has bilateral symmetry and a long slender and smooth worm-like body that is not segmented into which phylum can it be classified?

The organism can be classified into the phylum Platyhelminthes, which includes flatworms like tapeworms and flukes. These organisms exhibit bilateral symmetry and have long, slender, worm-like bodies that are not segmented.

What slender narrow creature lives in soil?

A worm lives in soil.

How do you make worm on the keyboard?

long wavy worm small wavy worm ~ baby worm ------straight worm ____ straight worm ====== straight worm s s-shaped worm

What are two ways in which an earthworm's body is adapted to life in soil?

An earthworm's body is adapted to life in the soil by having a slender body and by digesting soil. The long body makes it easier to burrow. Also, by just digesting the soil and passing it through the anus the worm can get nourishment while just moving.

What is a water hair snake?

A water hair snake is a type of plumbing tool used to clear blockages in drains caused by hair and other debris. It typically consists of a flexible wire or cable with a claw-like attachment at the end to grab and remove the clog.

How long is a gummy worm?

A gummy worm is about four to six inches long for the ones that look like real worms. They also make shorter worms that may be an inch or so long.

The prompt warm blooded flying animal can apprehend the slender crawling earthbound creature what is the answer to this gobbledegook?

The answer to this gibberish is "bird catches worm."

What is the first step a worm or virus takes?

Usually the first action that a virus or worm performs is to replicate itself. This attempts to ensure that the virus or worm spreads before being detected by a payload.

Which statement BEST identifies why a worm is more dangerous than a Trojan horse?

A worm can replicate itself.

What happens when the ribbon worm eats itself?

... It dies