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Spiders use camouflage to mimic their surroundings or objects from the environment, in order to capture unwary prey. There is an Australian spider, for example, called the Bird-dropping spider (Celaenia excavata) which literally mimics bird droppings sitting motionless on a leaf. Other insects wander nearby, unsuspecting, and are then easily caught.

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Q: How does a spider crab camouflage itself?
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What spider walks sideways and changes color?

The crab spider is known to walk sideways and can change color to match its surroundings through a process called physiological color change. This ability helps the spider camouflage itself and ambush its prey more effectively.

How does a spider crab protect itself?

it rapes its preditor.

Symbiosis of a crab spider of a flower?

The crab spider relies on flowers for camouflage and ambushing prey, while the flower benefits from the spider's presence as it helps protect the plant from herbivores. This mutualistic relationship is an example of symbiosis, where both species benefit from their interactions.

What is a crab spider?

A crab spider is a type of spider known for its flattened body shape and ability to move sideways like a crab. They are ambush predators that do not build webs to catch prey but instead rely on camouflage and stealth to ambush insects that come within reach. Crab spiders are known for their ability to change color to match their surroundings.

Spider crab and algae relationship?

Spider crabs have a symbiotic relationship with algae because they use the algae for camouflage. The algae attaches to the spider crab's shell, providing it with a protective covering that helps it blend in with its surroundings and avoid predators. In return, the spider crab provides the algae with mobility and access to nutrients as it moves around the ocean floor.

Is a crab spider an indoor or outdoor spider?

The crab spider is definitely an outdoor spider!:)

How many legs do a spider crab have?

the spider crab has eight legs like a spider.

What does crab spider look like?

red & yellow

How does a crab get its camoflauge?

i have no idea, but i hear that the ghost crab can camouflage!

How does the crab spider protect it self?

the way the green crab protects itself is by using its claws and or its larger pincher

When was Japanese spider crab created?

Japanese spider crab was created in 1836.

When was Scorpion spider crab created?

Scorpion spider crab was created in 1777.