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When the bees want to drink the honey in the flower, its leg will stick some "FLOWER'S SEEDS", and when it fly away the "FLOWER'S SEEDS" will fall onto the groud and help the flowering plants to reproduce.

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Q: How does a bee help flowering plants to reproduce?
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How has the bee helped in the reproduction of the flowering plant?

they help in pollination

How do plants disperse without bees?

They rarely can, only crops like cereals can reproduce without bee's. About 80% of plant species cannot reproduce without bee's.

What do pollinators do and how is this helpful in the life cycle of a flowering plant?

pollinators well... pollinate the plant... and this acts as a way to reproduce plants. The pollen is the male part of the flower. It will land on a female part of the flower, and fertilize it, creating a seed that will grow into a new plant.

How can you help bee extiction?

Plant lots of bee friendly plants and don't use insecticides.

Why is bee the most important animal in the world?

I'm not sure it is the most important, but it pollinates an enormous number of flowering plants. Without pollinators wild flowering plants would die off in a generation. However there are many other pollinators, including birds, man, etc. so not all flowering plants would go extinct without bees.

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It has to be pollinated by a bee It has to be pollinated by a bee

Why are flowers pretty?

The "pretty" is to attract insects like the bee to come towards it to collect nectar. This is because the flower's pollen will stick to the bee and will help reproduce.

How do bees help plants?

Bees help plants by getting nectar from flowers. By getting nectar, they have pollen stuck to their bodies, and by flying around, they drop the pollen to plants, who uses it to flower and as fertilizer.

Are bee dying out?

The cellphone radiation are awakening them early in the winter and they have nothing to eat because the plants don't start flowering untill spring...leaving them there to starve.

How do you help bees?

By planting bee friendly plants in your garden and not using insecticides on them.

How does a bird and a insect help a plant with its process?

Humming bird and honey bee help in the pollination of plants.

How honey bee reproduce?

When a mummy bee and a daddy bee love each other very much..... ;)