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It is possible to keep a butterfly alive in a jar for a short time. One must be sure to cut air holes in the lid and carefully add sugar water so the butterfly can eat. To make sure the butterfly does not die, it is wise to set it free as soon as possible.

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Q: How do you work butterfly in a jar?
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What happened to the butterfly in a jar close?

The "butterfly in a jar" is actually a lifelike artificial butterfly inside of a jar that moves when turned on. It provides a realistic and mesmerizing effect, similar to a real butterfly moving around in a jar. It is designed as a decorative item or novelty gift.

How long will a monarch butterfly live in a jar?

10 days

What happened to the living butterfly put in a jar with a cover?

It will suffocate if you don't punch holes in the top of the jar.

Will a newborn butterfly be able to survive in a jar with its things that it needs to survive?

Probably not! Every butterfly needs fresh air, flowers, host plants, and a mate.

Where can you get butterfly in a jar at?

Butterflies in a jar can be purchased from various online retailers, specialty gift shops, and sometimes even at museums or botanical gardens. They are typically found in the novelty or home decor sections.

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no it does work,can you help how to work jar files on my samsung s3500..

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In "Behind The Paint" Violent J talks about how him and his brother cause this big beautiful Monarch Butterfly which they kept in a jar. Well the butterfly died and they felt incredibly bad about it so they dedicate everything to The Butterfly now

How do you make a snow globe when my jar has no lid?

You need a jar with a lid or it won't work.

Why doesn't my jar folder works?

Depends on what you mean by "work". For one thing, a jar is a Java archive file, not a folder.

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You can work with a glass blower to shape a bottle or jar in the diamond shape that you want.

What was Puccini's most famous work?

Madame Butterfly