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Generally poultry are not affected too much by ticks, the birds actually will eat the ticks when they find them. However if you have a bird that has ticks you can bathe it in a good organic pet shampoo mean to remove external pests.

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15y ago

if you find one do not squeeze it or anything just drown it in a cup of water.if you squeeze it,it will produce 2000 eggs before it dies.

Damminix Tick Tubes are a great method of defense in protecting your property from deer ticks that carry diseases such as Lyme, Ehrlichiosis & Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. When placed in mouse habitats like wood piles, stone walls, etc. - mice take the permethrin cotton back to their nests. This does not harm mice or birds, but kills ticks at the larval stage before they have a chance to infect humans & pets!

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15y ago

It depends what animal your trying to get it rid off. Dog+cat: an injection Human: brush or surgery

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Q: How do you prevent ticks?
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What is a tick-bath?

their special baths that prevent ticks

Is the vaccination for ticks?

Vaccines are designed to prevent diseases. Ticks are insects. There was a Lyme Disease vaccine for humans, but it had horrible side effects and was removed from the market.

Who do you get rid of ticks on dogs?

You can get rid of ticks on dogs by using tweezers to gently pull them out. Care must be taken to remove the head to prevent infection.

What to spray on your dog to prevent ticks in the woods?

In the UK a product by the name of frontline would be my recommendation.

How do you prevent ticks from getting on your cat?

There are several monthly topical spot-on treatments available for cats that will repeal ticks (and fleas, generally) for one month - your veterinarian can help you determine which of the products would be best for your cat.

Are there ticks in Kodiak Alaska?

Ticks are not native to Alaska. If you have ticks, you brought them with you.

Can humans get tics from a dog?

No, tics are different parasites that typically infest dogs, not humans. However, ticks can attach themselves to humans if they come in contact with infested animals or environments. It is important to promptly and safely remove any ticks to prevent potential diseases they may carry.

What is a group of ticks called?

A group of ticks is called a "cluster" or a "pack."

What use do ticks have?

ticks have no use

What can prevent RMSF?

The mainstay of prevention involves avoiding areas known to harbor ticks. Wear light colored clothing (so that attached ticks are more easily noticed). Wear long sleeved shirts and long pants; tuck the pants legs into socks.

Are ticks segmented worms?

No, ticks are not segmented worms.

Ticks on people?

Yes, ticks will feed on people.