A fig tree is an angiosperm
*Phil458(Question Poser) I'm doing a picture book and when I started colouring the Curtain Fig Tree in but I didn't know what colour it was.
Fig Tree Bridge was created in 1885.
the strangler fig climbs onto another tree and strangles it until it dies and then the fig is attached to the dead tree
A fig tree is an angiosperm
To make fig newtons.
The Bodhi tree is a banyan fig tree given the scientific name: Ficus religiosa. It is also know as a peepal tree in Hindi.
Sycomore Fig
A fig tree can be purchased from many online virtual garden centers or or fig tree suppliers. Examples are Gardens for you, Wills Orchard company or Aarons Farm.
i dont know
Figs are planted when the trees are dormant. This is usually in winter in Mediterranean-type climates.
fig tree fir tree