you have to place stink bombs (candles) all over the chopping maul. click on the blue arrows around the maul that appear once you've accepted the quest
Uppercity, but you have to finish the dwarfhold quest chain
/join elemental and defeat mana golem
Look for the first letter and work down
You have to get the Slayer Medal, dropped from the Undead Giant.
u cannot i think lol sad :(
kill the undead giant to get the undead commander sword
You must get the 'Note from DT' which is dropped by Samurai Nopperabo.
It is different every time. Just complete your quest line and find out who it is for you.
Got to farm and go to the left of the screen and kill the scarecrows there.
chapter 1 then once u finish all the quest you will choose ur path of evil or good
you need to finish all the quest in citadel and go in the shop and you can buy it for about 700 ac coins
Kill Snow Golems and Frostwyrm Riders until they drop 'First Combination Number 1'