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put the food ( mostly any fruit, vegtable, and dandelions) in the slug's cage and the slug will approach it and eat it.

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Q: How do you feed a slug?
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What does green sea slug feed on?

the answer is... something!

What is the worst food to feed snails?

Slug pellets or salt.

If you have a salt water slug what do you feed it?

Other salt water slugs.... They are cannibals

What happens to a snail when it loses it's shell?

It dies. Be careful with your snail. Feed it egg shells to keep the shell strong.

Is a slug a herbivore?

Yes, slugs are considered herbivores. They primarily feed on plant material such as leaves, flowers, and fruits.

Could you show me a rifle slug and a regular slug?

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Fireflies larcas are predators and feed on earthworms, snails, and slugs. Larva can detect the slime from a slug and follow the trail to its prey.

What are all the metal slug games?

metal slug zombie revenge, metal slug flash, armored hero metal slug, amored hero metal slug 2, metal slug zombie survival, metal slug defense, metal slug death defense, metal slug rampage 3, metal slug brutal 1, metal slug brutal 2, metal slug brutal 3, aqua slug, metal slug last mission, metal slug 1+2, metal slug rampage, metal slug stick. that is all of them!

How do you get moshi monster health up?

you have to feed your pet I like to feed mine slug slurp slushies, as they are cheap and make your monster's health and happiness up a good bit, but you can also feecd it roarberry cheesecake

Is Slug A Curse Word?

No, a slug is an animal.

What is the function of the slug?

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