Mariquitas is a Spanish equivalent of 'ladybugs'. It's a feminine noun whose definite article is 'las' ['the'], and whose indefinite article is 'unas' ['some']. It's pronounced 'MAH-ree-KEE-tahs'.
experimental group
spanish colony
'When can I call you' in Spanish is '¿Cuándo puedo llamar?'
Well one is that people also call them ladybirds. peple can also feed ladybugs raisens, dried apricots, pretty much any dried fruit. but it ust be non-acidic
In Spanish, you would call Jason "Jaime."
what are ladybugs lifecycle
I think the common name is the ladybug. Some people call it the ladybird beetle. I am going with ladybug. Even I call it the ladybug!
You call it a Spanish -English dictionary
Ladybugs get around by flying and crawling. Ladybugs have to be decent flyers in order to escape from their predators, otherwise they would die.
no but some kinds of ladybugs do
Yes, ladybugs will sometimes eat the larvae and pupae of their own kind.