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Mariquita is a Spanish equivalent of 'ladybug'. It's a feminine noun whose definite article is 'la' ['the'], and whose indefinite article is 'una' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'mah-ree-KEE-tah'.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

mariquita (mah ree KEE tah)

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Q: How do you call ladybugs in spanish?
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What is the word 'ladybugs' in Spanish?

Mariquitas is a Spanish equivalent of 'ladybugs'. It's a feminine noun whose definite article is 'las' ['the'], and whose indefinite article is 'unas' ['some']. It's pronounced 'MAH-ree-KEE-tahs'.

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Are ladybugs good flyers?

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Can ladybugs harm you?

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Yes, ladybugs will sometimes eat the larvae and pupae of their own kind.