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*"Phasmids are herbivorous, feeding mostly on the leaves of trees and shrubs. The females, which are usually significantly larger than the males, lay their eggs individually, either sticking them to vegetation or simply depositing them on the ground. A single female may lay from 100 to 1,200 eggs after mating, depending on species. The eggs are typically camouflaged, resembling plant seeds, and may remain dormant for a full season or more before hatching. The nymphs are born already closely resembling the adults."

*Excerpted from Wikipedia ; see relevant link .

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Q: How do walking sticks lay babies?
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Related questions

What are walking sticks babies called?

Walking sticks' babies are called nymphs. Nymphs resemble miniature versions of the adult walking sticks, but they are usually lighter in color and are not fully developed. They will undergo several molts to grow and mature into their adult form.

Where do walking sticks they lay egg?

Walking sticks usually lay their eggs in the soil, or on the underside of leaves.

What walking sticks carry there babies on there back?

Many female walking sticks carry their male mates on their backs. However, most do not carry their eggs on their back.

What insect walking sticks carry their babies on there back?

Many female walking sticks carry their male mates on their backs. However, most do not carry their eggs on their back.

Are walking sticks amphibians or reptiles?

Neither. Walking sticks are insects.

Do walking sticks mate?

yes like most insects. the female does not need a male to mate, and can lay up to 1000 eggs at a time

How do walking sticks eat?

Walking sticks are herbivores that mainly feed on leaves, although some may also eat flowers or fruits. They use their powerful mandibles to chew and consume plant material. Their long, slender bodies allow them to camouflage among plants while they feed.

Where do walking sticks go for winter?

Walking sticks (insects) typically overwinter in protected areas such as leaf litter, under tree bark, or in cracks and crevices in trees. They enter a state of dormancy called diapause during winter, where metabolic activities slow down to conserve energy until temperatures become more favorable for activity.

How do walking sticks walk?

How do walking sticks eat ? Well if your wondering they eat in a round circle

Do walking sticks procreate?

Walking sticks (the insects) procreate. If they did not procreate there wouldn't be any. Walking sticks (the kind you use when you go hiking) do not procreate. They are made out of dead wood.

How do you know if a walking stick is male or female?

Walking Sticks lay eggs, and once they start they lay many. At best, you will see their abdomen looks bigger.

Do walking sticks drink water?

Walking sticks are used as an aide for trekking and walking activities. However, they are not a living thing and do not drink water.