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Q: How do sponges conduct gas exchange?
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How does gas exchange occur in sponges?


What characteristic do scientists use to classify sponges?

Scientists classify sponges based on their body structure, specifically the presence of pores through which water flows for feeding and gas exchange. Additionally, they consider the type of skeleton sponges have, whether it's made of calcium carbonate, silica, or spongin fibers.

What phylum has pores in it?

The phylum Porifera, commonly known as sponges, has pores in their bodies called ostia. These pores allow water to flow through the sponge, helping with filter feeding and gas exchange.

What is a sponges breathing method?

Sponges do not have a specialized respiratory system. They rely on simple diffusion, where oxygen enters their cells and carbon dioxide exits through their porous body walls. Water continuously flows through the sponge, allowing for gas exchange and nutrient uptake.

What are Sponges' special adaptations?

All sponges have toxic substances inside of their bodies to discourage preditors to not attack is a watery habitat

Why do natural sponges need to absorb water in nature?

Natural sponges need to absorb water in nature because it helps them regulate their buoyancy and stay anchored to the ocean floor. By absorbing water, sponges can maintain their structure and expand to capture nutrients suspended in the water for feeding. Additionally, absorbing water aids in gas exchange, allowing them to obtain oxygen and release waste products.

What is the meaning of dermal ostia IN ZOOLOGY?

Dermal ostia in zoology refer to small pores in the body wall of sponges that allow water to enter their internal canal system for feeding and gas exchange. These pores are essential for maintaining water flow through the sponge's body for nutrient uptake and waste removal.

Is gas exchange a function of the digestive system?

Gas exchange is a function of respiration not digestion.

What is the elastic unit of the respiratory system where gas exchange occurs?

Alveoli is where gas exchange occurs.

What sea creature has no heart no lungs no brain and no mouth?

A sponge is a sea creature that lacks a heart, lungs, brain, and mouth. Sponges use specialized cells to filter food particles from the water and rely on diffusion for gas exchange.

Does sponge conduct electricity?

An insulator or neither. The water inside of the sponge is what would conduct electricity.

How does a sponge take in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide?

Sponges do not have specialized respiratory organs, so they rely on simple diffusion to exchange gases with their environment. Oxygen diffuses into their cells from the surrounding water, while carbon dioxide diffuses out. This process occurs through the sponge's surface, where gas exchange takes place.