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Q: How do spiders squeeze into small spaces?
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Can squirrels squeeze in small places?

It depends how small, but yes. They are rodents, and they can get into very small spaces, like rats or mice can.

What is Justin Bieber's worst fear?

JB's worst fear(s) are: Spiders, ironically enough, crowded places, and small spaces. He's claustrophobic.

Can ferrets squeeze through small spaces?

If a ferret's head can fit through a space, their body will go through as well.

Can spiders go into your ears while sleeping?

Theoretically, spiders could go everywhere, but the chance one gets stuck in your ears while you are taking a nap, is veryslim.

What spiders don't have backbones?

That's the way they are, they have an exoskeleton. Maybe for something that small bones are not a good option

What is the fear of small spiders called?

Arachnophobia <applies to all spiders big/small>

Do bluebirds eat spiders?

Yes, but only small spiders.

What do you call a phobia of small spaces?

A phobia of small spaces is called claustrophobia.

Why are we afraid of spiders and not dogs?

because spiders are small and are really creepy

Do frogs eat spiders?

yes frogs do eat small spiders

What anxiety disorder causes an individual to suddenly feel dizzy and have tingling in their hands?

It could be for anything. Spiders,darkness, other people, heights, small spaces, colors, music, scary movies..........etc.

How do hamsters squeeze through really small spaces?

Hamsters can squeeze through small spaces because they suck in their bodies as much as they can and get through lots of stuff if they tried hard enough they could get through mice holes, and vents but if your hamster got through a vent or mouse hole you're never getting it back! :(