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Male snails usually decorate their shells some how and find a mate right away. BUT....... if they find the same female they will "fight". What they do is slide over the other males shell and who ever gives up wins.

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Q: How do snails compete for female snails?
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What snails are female?

Snails are both male and female.

Are there more female apple snails than male apple snails?

Well, no. Because snails are both male and female.

Are snails female?

Some are but there are also male snails

Female apple snails and male apple snails?

apple snails are single sex snails Incorrect. Many snails are hermaphrodites but apple snails are not. They are indeed male and female apple snails. Go to for more information and how to sex them.

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all snails have both male and female parts

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Snails are both male and female this is why they can both lay eggs after wrapping themselves in each others slime.

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If you are asking if snails have penises, then yes, they do. Most snails are considered to be hermaphrodites and have both male and female reproductive organs.

How do you find out a snails gender?

Snails are classed as hermaphrodites They have both male and female reproductive organs.

How can you tell your two snails are female or male?

A snail is both female and male. They are hermaphrodites.

How do you know if your water snail is a female or a male?

Snails are not male, nor female. They are hermaphrodites.

How can a female snail mate without a male?

well, snails are a in the family of Hermaphrodites - which means they have both male and female sex organs. So that means that a snail can have random sex to fertilise both the snails eggs to produce baby snails.

How do you know if a snail is male or female land snail?

All snails are neither male / female. they have both gender organs.