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Q: How do seastars reproduce?
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Are seastars poisonous?

seastars, or starfish may be poisonous

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How do seastars move?

they move by the bottom of their arms

Is a seastar vertebrate or invertebrate?

Seastars are invertebrates.

What does a mola mola larvae eat?

squid and seastars

Do starefish have a backbone?

No -- starfish or seastars are echinoderms and as such are invertebrates. -- no spines.

What eats gastropods?

seagulls, crabs, some fish, seastars

Do seastars have a backbone and are they considered animals?

they are in kingdom animalia but it doesn't have a backbone

What did the starfish use to build their houses?

The seastars don't have houses they live on the coral.

What do seastars eat and who eats them?

Clams, oysters, and small fish, because they are carnivorous.

Are seastars good for pets?

Seastars are not recommended as pets for the average person as they have specific care requirements and can be challenging to keep in a home aquarium. They also have specialized feeding habits and can be delicate to changes in water conditions, which can make them difficult to care for in a home setting.

Who eats seastars?

Some types of starfish eat other smaller species of starfish, if that was what you were getting at.