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Q: How do red ants defend themselves?
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Why do red ants bite and black ants?

Actually, Black Ant's do bite. They just don't carry venom like Red Ants do. ((I hope i helped..))

Why do black ants move faster than red ants?

Black ants may appear to move faster than red ants due to variations in their body structure, physiology, and behavioral patterns. Black ants may have longer legs or a different muscle composition that allows them to move more quickly. Additionally, environmental factors such as temperature or humidity may influence the speed of ant movement.

What do fire ants do to defend themselves?

The fire ant will bite you, leaving a bad rash or sore which is very itchy. This is where they get the name 'Fire Ant'.

How an insect can protect itself?

usually, they have some sort of weapon to use when they are in danger, such as bees: they can protect themselves by stinging. Ladybugs defend themselves by producing a poisin like substance(usually orange ladybugs). Ants can also defend themselves by biting what they think it delisious.

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They defend themselves with their speed and sharp teeth.

How do ants defend?

They can sting and bite

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Porcupines defend themselves with their quills.

Does red ants fly?

no red ants do not have wings

Why does the acacia plant let the ants live inside it?

The ants defend the plant from predators - and the plant produces sugars to feed the ants.

What ants use other ants as slave ants?

red ants

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They defend themselves by releasing disgusting slime when attacked.