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They hold onto the sand with their sticky feet.

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Q: How do mussels stay in place?
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Which mollusc stays in one place for life?

clams & mussels stay in one place for life

How does a mussel stay in place?

Mussels use byssal threads, which are protein fibers secreted by their feet, to anchor themselves to rocks or other solid surfaces. These threads create a strong bond that allows mussels to withstand turbulent waters and currents. Additionally, mussels use a technique called "byssal drifting" to reposition themselves when necessary.

How does Lake Michigan water stay so fresh and clear?

Zebra Mussels...

What kind of leaves mussels eat?

Mussels are shellfish, not rabbits. I would suggest not feeding mussels leaves.

Do zebra mussels camouflage?

Zebra mussels have stripes.

How long can mussels stay in the refrigerator?

Mussels and clams are generally good until they open. Probably around 1 week.

What is the difference between freshwater mussels and saltwater mussels?

Freshwater mussels live in freshwater habitats like rivers and lakes, while saltwater mussels live in saltwater habitats like oceans and seas. Freshwater mussels tend to be smaller in size compared to saltwater mussels, and they have different behaviors and ecological roles in their respective ecosystems.

Why are mussels in danger?

Bears can inhale freshwater mussels when they want.

What is the collective noun for mussels?

The collective noun is a bed of mussels.

How long will raw mussels last refrigerated?

Surely raw mussels are fresh mussels meaning they are still alive,That being the case keep live mussels in a cool place in a pail/bucket of water and feed lightly with oatmeal cereal (not cooked) salt the water slightly...Then cook when required...Only eat the ones that open after boiling that is the safe way to be sure..Shellfish should not be stored in refrigerator in its raw state...Once cooked eat at once

What has the author G Thomas Watters written?

G. Thomas Watters has written: 'A guide to the freshwater mussels of Ohio' -- subject(s): Freshwater mussels, Identification, Mussels 'The freshwater mussels of Ohio' -- subject(s): Identification, Margaritiferidae, Freshwater mussels, Unionidae

Do mussels feel pain?

No, mussels have no brain, as with all bivalves.