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Q: How do mudskippers get oxygen?
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How did the mudskipper get its name?

Mudskippers got their name because they like to walk on mud and land. Mudskippers are amphibious fish. Mudskippers can be found in tropical and subtropical areas.

What are mudskippers prey?


Do mudskippers have fins?

Yes, they do.

How does muddskipper get oxygen?

mudskippers have gills they dig burrows into soft damp mud and in the bottom of the burrow theirs a pool of water, they breathe in the same way as fish.

What is the scientific name for mudskippers?

The scientific name for mudskippers is Periophthalmus.

Are mudskippers endangered?

No There Are Plenty Around

Do fish obtain oxygen by gulping air into their lungs or by absorbing it through ther skin?

Yes, some do. Osteichthyes (bony fish) in general have an ability to gain oxygen directly from air. Some bony fish like mudskippers can do the same but also absorb oxygen in epidermal capillaries

What do you call a soup made out of mudskippers?


Why do Mudskippers go on land?

Because they are anphibians

Which pond creature builds a protective case?

the mudskippers

Do mudskippers have a symbiotic relationship with a nother organism?

Yes, mudskippers have a mutualistic relationship with the burrowing mud shrimp. The shrimp creates burrows that the mudskippers use for protection during low tide, and in return, the mudskippers keep the burrows well-aerated and free of debris, benefiting both organisms.

Why does mudskippers live only in salt water?
